Visual Dialplan For Asterisk
Visual Dialplan For Asterisk =====
* Single button deployment and handy exportExport to image file and share graphical presentation of the dialplan, or deploy it with a single press of a button using integrated SSH client.
Our mission is to transform the way Asterisk interacts with users, to easier Asterisk usage and adoption by providing visual tools and solution for its management, and to help Asterisk to penetrate the mass market and become a leading choice in the deployment of communications infrastructure.
#checklist-1 li:before{color: !important; }Simple configuration and maintenanceDrag and drop user interfaceAsterisk or Linux knowledge is NOT requiredOpen standards supportedVisualPBX Quick Start GuideVisual Dialplan ProfessionalVisual Dialplan Professional is revolutionary visual modeling platform that enables Asterisk users to create, maintain and deploy dial plan in an easy, fast, convenient and natural way. It takes advantage and comfort of windows user interface with drag and drop capabilities and combine it with large component library, predefined samples (templates) and makes Asterisk dial plan development easy and fun.
Apstel Integration ServerIntegration Server (IS) is powerful application server specially designed to simplify access to the third party servers from the Asterisk dialplan. It comes with Visual Dialplan building blocks that provide intuitive interface to execute SQL queries on a remote database server (MS SQL, MySQL, Postgres, HSQL etc.), send emails, process credit cards and more, directly from within the dial plan. It also extends Visual Dialplan with fully featured SQL query editor, email template designer and payment editor.
This article is the first in a series of four, describing the inner workings of the product, how to use it, some advanced features, deploying dialplans and finally a review on the product. We encourage everyone to use this program, and upload their dialplans to our sister site, Rate My Asterisk Dialplan.
Most of your attention will need to be focused here when you are within the visual Dialplan creation window. This is where you will select the Asterisk Dialplan applications that you want to use. Separated in a tabbed list of functionality, hovering over them will give you the text description of each icon. We found this very intuitive and easy to use for both new and experienced Asterisk Users. The contextual help is handy.
Once we were satisfied with our test Asterisk Dialplan, we went up to the menu and chose the validate button, this can be found both in the title menu, and in the icons at the top of the program. Nice and easy to find, and convenient to have for newer asterisk users that need to verify their configuration.
You are right but I contact the server admin and advised the latest version of SSH algorithms changed and shall update the client and VDP clinet you provide on your site from apstel not supported, could you provide me other visual dialplan support Asterisk 16image1313701 72.7 KB
Hello,kindly, Could you help us if there is such a platform (instead of a Visual dial plan) that can build huge IVR trees (huge dialplan) and support Asterisk 16 and later; apstel ( ) does not support Asterisk above v13.
The Asterisk dialplan is responsible for routing calls, so it is often referred to as the heart of an Asterisk system. The dialplan is written in a special scripting language, and it is extremely powerful. You might think of phone systems as simply accepting and connecting calls, but Asterisk is capable of much more. With the dialplan, you can design rich, voice-driven applications. For example, you could create the following call flow for a small business:
While there are other programming interfaces for interacting with Asterisk, the dialplan is the most basic, and understanding it is fundamental to understanding how Asterisk handles calls. According to Asterisk the Definitive Guide, there are four fundamental components to the Asterisk dialplan:
Notice that the context for each phone is set to office-phones. This setting tells Asterisk that any calls coming from the alice-softphone or bob-softphone endpoints should enter the dialplan in the office-phones context. When Bob dials a number (say, 9000) from his softphone, Asterisk looks in the office-phones context for the matching extension 9000. In the sample dialplan above, this call will fail because there is no matching extension.
Notice the use of the same => n syntax. This is a common and helpful bit of syntactic sugar in the dialplan. Remember that each extension has one or more priorities, or steps, associated with it. The same => n syntax saves you some typing and tells Asterisk that this step is just the next priority for the same extension. The above configuration could also be written as:
With your new configuration in place, reload the dialplan and try dialing extension 9000 to see what happens. Again, the key concept to understand is that you have created an extension that has no physical device associated with it. Asterisk fully decouples the concept of devices and extensions.
In this article, you learned about the Asterisk dialplan and wrote enough dialplan configuration to enable two phones to call each other. The Asterisk dialplan is extremely powerful, allowing you to build rich communications applications. I strongly recommend that you check out the official Asterisk dialplan documentation and the fifth edition of Asterisk: The Definitive Guide to help you better understand everything that the dialplan has to offer.
Are you using Voximal If you want to return a value from the Voximal to the Dialplan, the simplest way is to use tag like .The value will pass to the dialplan context channel with the variable VOXIMAL_RESULT.
The extensions.conf file usually resides in the /etc/asterisk/ directory, but its location may vary depending on how you installed Asterisk. Other common locations for this file include /usr/local/asterisk/etc/ and /opt/asterisk/etc/.
If you installed the sample configuration files when you installed Asterisk, you will most likely have an existing extensions.conf file. Instead of starting with the sample file, we suggest that you build your extensions.conf file from scratch. This will be very beneficial, as it will give you a better understanding of dialplan concepts and fundamentals.
When you define a channel (which is how you connect things to the system), one of the parameters that is defined in the channel definition is the context. In other words, the context is the point in the dialplan where connections from that channel will begin.
Occasionally, you may also see the pipe character () being used as a separator between arguments, instead of a comma. Feel free to use whichever you prefer. For the examples in this book, we will be using the comma to separate arguments to an application, as the authors prefer the look of this syntax. You should be aware, however, that when Asterisk parses the dialplan, it converts any commas in the application arguments to pipes.
This example would play filename.gsm from the custom/ subdirectory of the default sounds directory (probably /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/filename.gsm). Note that if the specified directory contains more than one file with that filename but with different file extensions, Asterisk automatically plays the best file.[73]
Even though this example is very short and simple, it emphasizes the core concepts of contexts, extensions, priorities, and applications. If you can get this to work, you have the fundamental knowledge on which all dialplans are built.
One of the most important keys to building interactive Asterisk dialplans is the Background()[75] application. Like Playback(), it plays a recorded sound file. Unlike Playback(), however, when the caller presses a key (or series of keys) on her telephone keypad, it interrupts the playback and goes to the extension that corresponds with the pressed digit(s). If a caller presses 5, for example, Asterisk will stop playing the sound prompt and send control of the call to the first priority of extension 5.
As its name implies, the Goto() application is used to send the call to another part of the dialplan. The syntax for the Goto() application requires us to pass the destination context, extension, and priority on as arguments to the application, like this:
If the call is answered before the timeout, the channels are bridged and the dialplan is done. If the destination simply does not answer, is busy, or is otherwise unavailable, Asterisk will set a variable called DIALSTATUS and then continue on with the next priority in the extension.
As their name implies, global variables apply to all extensions in all contexts. Global variables are useful in that they can be used anywhere within a dialplan to increase readability and manageability. Suppose for a moment that you had a large dialplan and several hundred references to the Zap/1 channel. Now imagine you had to go through your dialplan and change all of those references to Zap/2. It would be a long and error-prone process, to say the least.
Global variables should be declared in the [globals] context at the beginning of the extensions.conf file. They can also be defined programmatically, using the GLOBAL() dialplan function.[77] Here is an example of how both methods look inside of a dialplan. The first shows the setting of a global variable named JOHN with a value of Zap/1. This variable is set at the time Asterisk parses the dialplan. The second example shows how a global variable can be set in the dialplan. In this case, the variable named George is being assigned the value of SIP/George when extension 124 is dialed in the [employees]context:
There are many predefined channel variables available for use within the dialplan, which are explained in the channelvariables.txt file in the doc subdirectory of the Asterisk source. Channel variables are set via the Set() application: 1e1e36bf2d